Hollywood Celebrity Stylist Sarah Wallner Brings Sexy Fashion Sense to the Big Screen in “Sucker Punch.”

by Susanna Wallner on April 11, 2011
Sarah Wallner, known as the “go to” stylists for “A” List Hollywood actors and models, was recently tapped to bring her talents to the big screen in Zack Snyder’s “Sucker Punch” – a fantasy thriller where contrasting, suggestive costuming played a key supporting role in the movie.

Working with costume designer Michael Wilkinson and team, Wallner was presented with design themes, fabric and trim and asked to somehow make them work… make them fit… make them flattering... and make a tight deadline on budget.

“While this was my first movie, making actors look great for magazine shoots and TV appearances is something I’ve been doing for years,” says Wallner, who is also the founder of Musotica.com –- a website featuring sexy fashions,distinctive club and fitness wear. “It was a pleasure working with true professionals who understood the challenges of styling, and the efforts involved.”

From machine-gun tooting actors wearing provocative “Mary Janes,” black stockings, retro corsets, concept bras, panties and less – “Sucker Punch” provided a provocative canvas for Wallner to utilize everything she’s learned as a Hollywood stylist and magazine cover designer over the years.

“I put my entire staff, including seamstresses and manufacturing facilities to work on the project,” said Wallner, who has also styled magazine covers for Playboy and FitnessRx Magazines. “With a fantasy movie like this, I was given plenty of room to stretch my creativity to capture the costume designers vision – which was great.”

One look at Wallner’s website, Musotica.com, and it’s easy to why she was chosen for this movie project. From sexy to retro… from fantasy to classic… the website embodies many of the fashion elements featured in “Sucker Punch.”

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